resolved Jun 10

A single page aggregating all markets about UCL Finals. This market will resolve N/A. Lemme know if there's another market I missed.



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Given the number of markets about the match (!!!) I've just created a group for it - i think dashboard wouldn't be as effective as a group. It's public, you can add markets to it

Link to group

@firstuserhere Added all the markets in this dashboard to the group

predicted YES

@firstuserhere The group was a great idea and that's what I ended up using, so thank you! Thank you for all the markets as well, that's by far the largest amount of markets I've had to trade on simultaneously and I had a great time :)

I'll make a grid for the markets in the derivative markets section later, adding as a solo embed for now

Please let me know if I missed any main or derivative markets and I'll edit the description

predicted YES

@firstuserhere There's this one as well:

@NamesAreHard Thanks, will make a grid once a few more such markets are identified

@firstuserhere Thinking of ordering it as: Goal related markets, Match result related markets, etc

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