So, will I run >20kms in a week (Feb 8-Feb 14)?
resolved Feb 15

Last week, I managed to reach 20kms of running, starting from nothing! This was a big challenge mentally as well as physically, and has been awesome to complete it.

This week, I will be incorporating rest days - on 10th and 13th. I will try to run longer on the remaining days, and try to sleep more to aid recovery.

That's out of the window. I'm running as much as I can cuz it's just fun

So, will I run >20kms in a week (Feb 8-Feb 14)?

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predicted YES

Feb 14: 4.14 kms and I'm toast. Atleast completed the challenge! Gonna take a few rest days now, that is definitely needed

@firstuserhere congrats that was actually impressive

predicted YES

@firstuserhere congrats!! i respect the grind

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Feb 13: 5.5k

predicted YES

Feb 12: 0kms 😅

Total so far this week (8-14): 11.82

Will need to run roughly 4k each day for next two days. Manageable.

predicted YES

@firstuserhere can i help at all? here for u <3

predicted YES

Feb 11: 4.25kms

Total so far this week (8-14): 11.82

predicted YES

@firstuserhere 3 days more, roughly 8 more kms more to go

predicted YES

@firstuserhere 8 more kms*

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I believe!

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I believe! Unless betting NO motivates you more, in that case I don't and will switch.😜

predicted YES

@howtodowtle related

predicted YES

@howtodowtle Believing in myself definitely helps me be more motivated than trash talking to myself. As a reminder, I just buy 50-100Ṁ of YES shares everytime I open one of my personal goals markets

predicted NO

@firstuserhere I have to say don't let this market pressure you to go too far for a YES Resolution. Physical health is always a priority, and I'm not saying this because I'm holding NO shares.

predicted YES

@Simon1551 If I am able to recover from each day's run and go running the next day, it suggests that I am not pushing my comfort zone boundaries too hard, as my body recovers enough within 24 hrs to do it again :)

predicted NO

@firstuserhere I had to try

predicted YES

@Simon1551 i know, appreciate it xD

bought Ṁ138 of YES

@firstuserhere you are obligated to run, or bad thing will happen to george

predicted YES

Feb 10:

"Run 1" : "4.61 kms"

"Run 2" : "2.11 kms"

Total distance ran this week(8-14): 7.57kms

predicted YES

Feb 9: 0kms

Total this week: 0.85kms

bought Ṁ10 of YES

ez yes resolve

predicted NO
bought Ṁ50 of YES

@Simon1551 thats what ur gonna be looking like when @firstuserhere runs 100kms

bought Ṁ77 of NO

Feb 8: 0.85 kms.

Total this week (8->14): 0.85 kms

predicted YES

@firstuserhere lol @Simon1551 switching sides cuz of low distance? dw, i'll run 5k distance tomorrow

predicted YES

@firstuserhere more like 2.5 + 2.5 but ok

sold Ṁ8 of YES

@firstuserhere I didn't see that you weren't going to run for 2 days I think that changes everything but I'd be amazed if you proved me wrong

predicted YES

@Simon1551 took your advice to take some rest days and increase distance on days I do run. Today was to mostly rest from the entire week of running i just did, the 0.85 kms was because I felt some sort of ...running withdrawal

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@Simon1551 yeahhhhhh that plan's out of the window. Can't not run now

predicted NO

@firstuserhere What happened?

are you alright?

sold Ṁ85 of YES

@Simon1551 oh sorry for the confusion. I meant that the rest days of 10th and 13th are now cancelled if i wanna keep up the challenge. I basically took rest day on 9th (because of air travel etc) and now will be running every day till 14th

predicted YES

@firstuserhere plan to run 5k on 10th and 11th now :)

bought Ṁ57 of NO

@Simon1551 Bruh ngl that double no got me confused

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Simon1551 yeah i figured lol

predicted NO

@firstuserhere well good luck