resolved Jan 3
Resolved as

This resolves when a mod comments on it. A mod may pick the resolution, otherwise resolves at prob 69%

Fuck the police cummin straight from the underground.


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predicted YES

โ€œYou lost แน€37โ€œ

I feel like I lost more than that

okay this market gotta close.

Let's resolve it to 44% for fun

predicted NO

@SirSalty Technically you aren't a mod, you're an admin.

Personally, I would like this to resolve to 68%.

predicted NO
predicted NO


predicted YES

So far no bet on mine

predicted NO

Are you still doing this?

predicted YES

@f - same question as above. You're still active, but are you still planning on doing this? It'd be awesome if you were

predicted YES

@PaintspotInfez I update every time I do in the comments. Last one was 2 weeks ago.

hope so! :D

predicted YES

finished @DylanSlagh


predicted YES

Finished up to @pea

predicted YES

@f dont know if you've clarified this but shouldn't you be closing this market to prevent even more people from entering?

Edit: Well, I guess it could be considered a part of the challenge.

predicted YES

Hey guys, its been awhile since Ive given y'all a good update

A month and a half ago I got a hand injury that prevented me from making bets on my computer. For a little while I tried doing bets on my phone but quickly gave up because of how slow it was. I decided to wait until I got my cast off which was a couple days ago.

I started working on this again, and got a few hundred questions done, but after looking at some of the bigger accounts on this I'm starting to realize despite my previous confidence, my mana may not be able to handle this.

I am running a fundraiser (linked below). If you'd like to help me out and get paid out within a month, consider checking it out.

I know this is may be seen as going against the original intention of this, but understand this got way way bigger than I could have imagined. I'm doing the best I can with the situation I have got myself into. I also have 2000 mana riding on me eventually getting this done (see Dan's market).

Best regards and thank you all for your patience

@f There is way too many markets, I really donโ€™t think you have to bet on all of them.

Probability should be slightly lower than 69%. There are three possibilities:

  • No admin comment, resolves 69%.

  • Admin comments and uses their choice of resolution to make a profit. They can get the most profit by resolving it NO, assuming the probability is still above 50%, which it almost certainly will be.

  • Admin comments and either decides a random resolution, or a resolution motivated by some reason other than profit on this market. There's an equal chance of YES and NO here, so the probability given this option should be ~50%.

Regardless of what probability the latter two have of occurring, the expected value of this market's resolution should be <69% as long as the latter two are nonzero.

@JosephNoonan aha! You mug! Now that you have moved the market down I can sell my 3 NO shares for a profit of... 0.06 mana! ๐Ÿค‘

predicted YES

@JosephNoonan uh oh are we mods now, since we have the power to resolve? does us commenting here force a resolution?

predicted YES

Wait that might be correct ๐Ÿ˜‚

predicted NO

@Stralor My assumption is that only Manifold employees count as mods, but I guess I don't know for sure.

predicted YES

@JosephNoonan FWIW in the Manifold codebase on GitHub, Trustwworthy-ish users are referred to as "MOD"s, so there's a "letter" argument as well as a "spirit" argument:

predicted YES

@Stralor Only official staff count

predicted YES

Save yourself some pain! The UI says we can "mod resolve" now

predicted YES


Only official staff count

predicted YES
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