Who will placed highest on GC from INEOS Grenadiers at the 2024 Tour de France?
Jul 22
Geraint Thomas
Carlos Rodríguez
Thomas Pidcock
Egan Bernal

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bought Ṁ50 Egan Bernal YES

Eganito forever.

@Eliza that's a good one now too!

Bernal reports that he wishes to go to the TDF this season:


Buying some Yes on him. He seems to be in good shape.

Honestly, I would be way more likely to participate in this if it was N/A-if-doesn't-start, but we can't really set it up that way. As it stands, I'd pick Thomas still IF he starts, but I'm not convinced he's actually going to start.

@Eliza why don't you think Pidcock will go to the Tour? Besides classics, his schedule seems designed towards Tour: Algarve, Tirreno and Itzulia.

Thomas I'm less sure about because his focus is probably Giro, but I expect him to do Tour as super domestique for whoever ends up highest in GC after 2 weeks. Ineos has such a bad strategy of going with a bunch of leaders and trying to see what happens during the race, that's why I did this market.

@egroj Not that I don't think Pidcock will go -- I'm just not convinced he will stay high in GC.

And yeah, this is going to be a hilarious market I'm sure.

@Eliza I think I got confused by the first name, now I see you meant Geraint Thomas