Will this market resolve above 90% or below 10%?
resolved Apr 25

When this market closes if the percentage is 0-10 or 90-100, (inclusive) this market resolves yes. Otherwise resolves no.

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predicted NO

I thought about selling all my NO positions when Isaac bet on this market and write his comment. In so far, as if he really wants to snipe this market he can do so easily. And his comment might be a hint that he intends to do so. But then I thought that he might forget, or maybe his comment was just a test to see how easily can he makes people change position. And what his "soft power is". I also wonder why didn't he snipped the market earlier. But that would just make it easier if people were willing to snap back. And would make him loose easily. And I will finally stay in this market. Because I think his position and comment is just a way to check what his influence is. And it's better not to act as if it has an impact. And for maximum profit. He wouldn't have bet on this market at all. Making it less obvious he'll snipe it.

And he might just forget ^^ or his comment was just a fun social experiment.

bought Ṁ145 of YES

Isn't this easily snipeable?

predicted NO

@IsaacKing My whole strategy was for you not to bet on here. And on average I thought people wouldn't have enough funds/motivation