The month after Manifold adds fees, how will trading volume change? (percentage of previous month)
resolved May 17

Context. Manifold is planning to add transaction fees to all trades on the platform. How much more or less mana will be bet the month after compared to the month before?

Resolves to the percentage <total mana bet the month-long period starting the day transaction fees are implemented>/<total mana bet the month-long period before transaction fees are implemented> based on the monthly "total mana bet" numbers at

Resolves N/A if the plans for adding fees are cancelled indefinitely.

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@ducat per the stated methodology you'd follow, 33,814,200 / 54,688,600 = 61.8% (isn't that golden!)

Edit: as we had seen, these numbers keep inching up after the date's passed. Now at 33,832,800 so 61.9%.

@deagol So it is! And just to verify myself, at the moment I see 34000800 / 54688600, or ~62.2%.

More news

The historical monthly total mana bet value for April 16 is now 69,764,400.

Me two weeks ago: I have an objective way to measure trading volume.
Me now: historical mana bet values change every hour and are more volatile than the price of bitcoin.


Fees were implemented on the 16th. The stats page shows 54,688,600 total mana bet the month up to April 16. Next month I will check the monthly mana bet number for May 16 and compare it. Will trading volume decline as expected, or will the upcoming Manifold "big pivot" shake things up?

@ducat how will you account for the 10x devaluation?

@deagol I'll stick to the resolution criteria. 1 mana = 1 mana

@ducat Thanks. BTW the stats page now shows a slightly higher number for total mana bet for the month up to April 16, of 54,873,100.

@deagol 🤔 now it says 54,873,200 for me

@ducat yes, same. My best hunch is these are limit orders placed then but getting filled now? 🤷‍♂️

@deagol ooh, that makes sense. I posted a bug on the Discord. If limit orders are the reason, I think I'll use the April 16 number I read on April 17 and use the a May 16 number I read on May 17.

sold Ṁ2 80-90 YES

@ducat just read this from James that the conversion rate change will be delayed until May 15, so I sold off my "devaluation effect" position here (costing me a bunch in fees, oh well).

Warning to everyone participating that there could be way, way more changes to the site including possibly a "big pivot" within the month after Manifold adds fees.

FWIW, I think this might hinge a bit on whether the prior month includes a period before the 99%+ betting was changed. I assume that by itself will substantially reduce the volume of mana bet (probably moreso than the fees, if I had to guess). (And loans are another tricky part to unpack, that will also reduce volume a ton)

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