Recommend me podcasts about the future
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I’m interested in adding a podcast or two to my regular rotation focused on the future. The idea is to listen to conversations about technologies, ideas, etc that will be mainstream 3-5+ years from now.


I first learned about GLP-1 weight loss drugs back in 2020 (maybe earlier) on Peter Attia’s podcast well before I heard anything in mainstream media about it.

I had learned about AI and the associated risks through podcasts in the mid to late 2010s like FLI and 80,000 Hours, years before ChatGPT and related concerns about AI became mainstream.

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

After On, by Rob Reid

I learned about Nat Friedman's Vesuvius challenge while listening to an old Dwarkesh Patel interview with him on a plane, then it got solved a couple weeks later. Definitely recommended.

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