Will Destiny conclude that Hasan was fake crying on Leftovers Podcast (12.10.)
resolved Oct 13

Regarding this https://streamable.com/2btpam

Resolves YES if Destiny concludes that Hasan was fake crying. Resolves NO if Destiny concludes that Hasan's crying was genuine. Resolves N/A if he skips over it, does not conclude anything either way, of if it's unclear what he thinks about it.

Only streams count, not offline chat etc. Whether he thinks Hasan's feelings are genuine also does not matter, this market is about the crying.

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He calls the sub retarded for believing the tears here but doesn't explicitly call the crying fake. This alone would not be enough for a resolution but later on he calls the tears crocodile tears.

Resolving YES

predicted YES

"Only streams count, not offline chat etc." I wasn't watching, I am going to start the stream 2x now. Will resolve once I see him say it or if someone links a clip/I see a clip on reddit.

predicted YES

That said, if he has no comments on stream today, I will keep this open till the resolution date (~week) and resolve N/A if he doesn't say anything till then.

predicted YES

He said it pay me out

predicted YES

Money plox