Will any of these people drop out of Destiny's Vidcon panel
resolved Sep 30
Multiple people will drop out and/or panel is canceled
Taylor Lorenz will drop out
Brianna Wu will drop out
Destiny will drop out
Vaush will drop out
Emma Vigeland will drop out
None of the people listed will drop out

Only the people mentioned by Brianna Wu in this thread (archive) are included. If multiple people drop out, will resolve 50% to that option and 50% to the canceled participants. If the whole panel gets canceled, will resolve 100% to that option even if some people drop out before the cancellation.

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sold Ṁ27 of None of the people l... YES

Seems like 2 people from this list are still missing. Since the panel was not canceled, if this market were to resolve with the current two missing, the resolution would be as follows: 50% 'Multiple people will drop out and/or panel is canceled' | 25% 'Taylor Lorenz will drop out' | 25% 'Brianna Wu will drop out' - to clarify the explanation in the description.

Additionally, If either one of them appears live on the stream, before the panel ends, for enough time that any reasonable person would agree that they contributed to the discussion under the topic 'Bridging Divides: Strengthening Democracy through Discourse', they then would not be considered dropped out.

bought Ṁ300 of None of the people l... NO

The panel currently shows

sold Ṁ199 of Destiny will drop out NO

@Gen Taylor Lorenz never was listed there btw, the option is based on Brianna Wu's word in the linked thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16jaki0/destiny_vaush_emma_taylor_lorenz_and_yours_truly/k0om52a/

bought Ṁ500 of None of the people l... NO

@dgga but if she doesn't attend, it still means she dropped out.. right?

@Gen This participant list has updated 2 or 3 times now, so if she was never on it, I assume she won't be there

@Gen Yes, if she isn't there on stream taking part in the discussion, she 'dropped out'

Add it to the vidcon Baltimore group !

bought Ṁ0 of None of the people l... YES