Will Last Night On Destiny reach 70k subs before the 15th of December 2022?
resolved Dec 16

YES if LNOD reaches 70k before or on the day of Dec. 15. (11:59 PM PST Closing)

NO if no

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this market should be resolved yes

predicted YES

@Zion Looks like goddezz might not come back. They look like they were last active Nov 22.

predicted YES

@Redact *Nov 23

This should of been 30th of Nov to make it more interesting

Subsidizing the market!! +750 M

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@dggL Wait, wft does that do to the price?

@MichaelRobertson Seems like it just provides incentive to bet, doesn’t mess with anything to my knowledge

bought Ṁ25 of YES

@dggL I didn’t even know that was a thing, what does it do exactly

@Cutie “Liquidity is how much money traders can make if they're right. The more traders can earn, the greater the incentive to find the correct probability.” I’m not even sure lol, quote from manifold

Love you tho

@Cutie u want it back?

bought Ṁ30 of YES

Keep it dggL

You stole my @ 😡

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@Cutie dggL

bought Ṁ75 of YES

SocialBlade predicts 70,255 on Dec. 15
Depends if the content keep coming at the current rate, or slows down