Will Destiny say the n word (soft a or hard r) on stream in 2023?
resolved Aug 31

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congrats to @jama for believing all this time

@PunishedFurry FeelsStrongMan

@destiny resolve pls

predicted YES

@jama clip?

@destiny It's a trick!

predicted YES

@destiny nvm i found it SWEATSTINY

clip?? i missed it,.. but if its not difficult to find. ill search

predicted NO

Are you guys gonna stop vague posting and actually post the proof? This is a market that ran for half a year with 174 traders.

predicted NO

@higherLEVELING even though it's usually a slur, negro is normally not refered to as the n-word. I wouldn't count it.

predicted YES

@UFTG good luck fellow soldier

predicted NO

@jama Good luck my n word market enjoyer. o7

predicted NO

How would this have been resolved from the chess clip? AKA he denies saying it, but some loonies still think he did?

predicted NO
predicted NO

@UFTG Thanks lol, my bad. I even liked that comment in the past, brain is not working today

predicted NO

@Gen 😂 np

predicted YES

Does it count if he says it on another person's stream?

gnome saying bad words
predicted NO

salt and vi-

predicted YES

does it apply to kick and rumble streams?

@jama @destiny ANSWER OOOO

predicted YES
predicted YES

@jama yes