Nonlinear receives$0
Problem: There are tens of thousands of people working full time to make AI powerful, but around one hundred working to make AI safe. This needs to change.
Longtermism is held back by two bottlenecks:
1. Lots of funding, but few charities to deploy it.
2. Lots of talent, but few charities creating jobs.
Solution: Longtermism needs more charities to deploy funding and create jobs. Our goal is to 10x the number of talented people working on longtermism by launching dozens of high impact charities.
This helps solve the bottlenecks because entrepreneurs “unlock” latent EA talent - if one person starts an organization that employs 100 people who weren’t previously working on AI safety, that doubles the number of people working on the problem.
Our process:
1. Research the highest leverage ideas
2. Find the right founders
3. Connect them with mentors and funding
We will be announcing more details about our incubation program soon.
A few of the ideas we’ve incubated so far:
- The Nonlinear Library: Listen to top EA content on your podcast player. We use text-to-speech software to create an automatically updating repository of audio content from the EA Forum, Alignment Forum, and LessWrong. You can find it on all major podcast players here.
- EA Hiring Agency: Helping EA orgs scalably hire talent.
- EA Houses: EA's Airbnb - Connecting EAs who have extra space with EAs who need space here.
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