Will more traders bet NO than YES on this market?
resolved Apr 7

If they are equal, this resolves as NO.

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predicted NO

The account @Pear was created exclusively to bet on this market. Isn’t this dishonest?

@R2D2 It's one account and it can't quite be proven that it was created for the market

I would be more inclined to go for N/A if there were multiple sketchy accounts

predicted NO

@cc6 Here is another one @tommy just check the NO accounts, will ya? How many were created today and ONLY bet on this market, before my comment?

@R2D2 I don't feel like its fair to go against resolution criteria, although I agree this is a problem and I will include a clause next time

predicted NO

@R2D2 You literally just said you would have been more inclined to resolve N/A if you had proof of other sketchy accounts. I gave you proof & you immediately resolves YES. I won’t bet on your markets anymore. Blocking now

@R2D2 I said inclined, I did not say that I would resolve N/A. Also I did not bet in this market and have no incentive to go either way.