meaningless market

this market doesn't mean anything

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what incentive do i have to trade on this? how will it resolve?

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@Dockson camus said that the situation that man finds himself in is that he desperately needs meaning, yet must live in a universe without meaning. he supposed that the only valid responses were 1. suicide, 2. self-delusion (belief in religion or some innate meaning in the universe), or 3. absurdism, recognition that life has no meaning and living in full awareness and defiance of that fact

bought Ṁ10 of YES


Please resolve yes.

Camus says we must imagine sisyphus happy. I reject this imaginary happiness and demand mana from heaven. Your beneficence is my only hope, lest I be condemned to meaninglessness world, or worse, a world of my own


I implore you - I am incarnate on pain of eternal recurrence. Be not the great deceiver that brings me an eternal folly without redemption. Resolve yes, and save those of us that made the leap of faith from the crushing infinity of a void haunted by our endless tears and manic laughter.