Live at Manifest, we will flip a coin on Sunday evening. Heads resolves yes, Tails resolves no.
@sanyero impressively, you had such high net worth that even after this you're still not even close to bankruptcy, how did you get so rich so quickly lol?
@CyfralCoot fwiw they gave guests about ~35k total, in separate increments (10k at door qr code, 10k for filling out survey, 15k in the airdrop including 5k prize points to facilitate night market stuff). so that 100k single transaction is something else (dunno what)
Streaming the flip on soon!
@PlasmaBallin surely it depends on the coin engraving design whether there's a tiny weight imbalance?
@bence TBD, I think people are busy watching the poker tournament atm but I’ll try do a 10-15min warning before the actual flip and get a scuffed livestream going (all the AV people have packed up, in preparation for open doors later)