This market is on the First leg of the tour held in India.
If there is interest, I will make markets for the following tournaments.
I will not be betting in this market.
If anyone drops out/doesn't make it/is replaced/ ect their market resolves to n/a.
If anyone is disqualified their market resolves to no.
If I am missing players, please remind me to update the question.
As far as I can tell, India is now slated to be the second-to-last leg of this tour; we are still specifically trading on India, though, right? Even if we, for example, learn that the India leg is no longer $500,000?
@marvingardens Update: While there was no specific communication that I am aware of about this change, the whole $500,000 thing only appeared in the earliest announcements about this tour, and is no longer present in current descriptions of the prize structure, including this official regulations document, the official website, or recent press releases.