Will Voyager 1 successfully resume scientific transmission?
resolved May 24


Resolves when scientific data resumes or power runs out.

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@benjaminIkuta https://blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024/05/22/voyager-1-resumes-sending-science-data-from-two-instruments/ (linked by @SanghyeonSeo )

Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Science Data from Two Instruments

I assume this is enough to resolve YES? As the question title/description just says "resume scientific transmission" (the exact phrasing used by NASA in the announcement), and isn't specific about whether every instrument is working exactly as before.

Looks good to me. Any objections?

@benjaminIkuta Unrelated to resolution, but I highly recommend "Murmurs of Earth" as a coffee table book (or gift, etc). It's a book discussing the Golden Record on the Voyager probes, with essays about how they chose what to include (plus all the pictures). It was honestly quite moving—fascinating exercise to try to compress "what is humanity" into a few pictures and songs.

bought Ṁ50 YES

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft finally phones home after 5 months of no contact

  • While the Voyager 1 spacecraft still isn't sending valid science data back to Earth, it is now returning usable information about the health and operating status of its onboard engineering systems. 

bought Ṁ60 YES



A NASA official says he is optimistic that a problem with the Voyager 1 spacecraft that has kept it from transmitting intelligible data for months can be resolved.


the problem appears to be a corrupted memory unit on the spacecraft. “It’s a part failure on one of the memories and they’re looking for a way to move a couple hundred words of software from one region to another in the flight computer,” he said.

How's it going?

If they can't get it working after all this time, why would it suddenly start working later?

@benjaminIkuta Dumb luck plus sheer determination. It's one of humanity's greatest achievements, I'm sure they'll keep trying until they're certain it'll never come back.

I think it's very, very unlikely. But that won't stop them from trying.

@Pykess "very, very unlikely" 25%?