Will I experience severe negative effects from drinking 1200 mg caffeine energy drinks?
resolved Aug 28

I'll be drinking them over the course of the workday. Resolution is subjective, but I'll say mild discomfort isn't enough.

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predicted NO

I do still have a little bit of a tummy ache, but it's mild.

Guys, I'm totally fine, come on, lol.

predicted YES

@BenjaminIkuta glad to hear it!

predicted YES

@BenjaminIkuta I have a very hard time believing that, and a harder time believing your good faith having resolved the market before some major caffeine overdose symptoms - mostly sleep-related - can even manifest.

predicted NO

It's been several hours now since I stopped drinking. I'm fine.

83 bpm

I'm chilling, don't know why this market's still so high.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

I would have thought 4.8g caffeine was "you will go to the hospital" territory. I still think 1.2g caffeine is "you are going to have a bad day" territory.

90 bpm

... and you're sure that each of your drinks has shitting 1.2 whole grams of caffeine?

bought Ṁ15 of YES

@Lorxus what brand even is this

Sorry for the confusion. 1280 is the total caffeine, not per bottle. (I'm also massively sleep deprived right now, forgive me.)

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@Lorxus I understood the question as 1200mg in total not per drink.

@AlexbGoode at least a couple other people here have similarly (mis)interpreted it as 4800mg.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

"from drinking 1200mg of caffeine from energy drinks" 1200mg total
"from drinking 1200mg caffeine energy drinks" 1200mg each

predicted YES

@brubsby an "of" there would indeed have been helpful but I suspect English isn't the market creator's first language or they ran out of characters.

predicted NO

@brubsby Subtle difference. My non-nativeness has saved me here I guess. Also almost 5g of caffeine would be insane.

predicted YES

@Lorxus yeah no hate at all, i was just pinpointing the exact linguistic subtlety that was responsible for the dilemma

Bottle number three of four finished. Still feeling mostly okay.

The most caffeine I've ever had in one day (without severely regretting it) was about 600 mg, and that's when I was using it to self-medcate my (at the time) undiagnosed ADHD. I think 4800 mg in a day probably would have outright killed me by pushing my already-high blood pressure to its limit.

4800 mg is more than you get from drinking five pots of coffee (or eighty espresso shots) per day; worse than Dave Grohl at the peak of his caffeine addiction. Please be careful.

94 bpm heart rate

predicted NO

Second bottle finished. Feeling mostly fine.

bought Ṁ20 of YES


If I decide to stop because someone convinces me it's too dangerous, but not because of discomfort, I'll resolve PROB.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@BenjaminIkuta to be clear, recommended max daily dose is what, 400mg? And like you're expected to have problems somewhere around 800mg. What's your usual intake?

@Stralor I don't usually drink.

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