If Isaac pays out the mana he promised, will he purchase mana to do so?
resolved Jun 30

If he defaults, I'll resolve this PROB.

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I think this should resolve YES if and only if somebody posts proof that they've received $USD from Isaac to they're Paypal account before the closing date of this market.

@MayMeta I didn't intend for the closing date to be meaningful, just arbitrarily chosen, I'll extend it as needed.

Manifold has just zeroed out my balance on @IsaacKing2 in an attempt to make me unable to pay people back with the mana I had sequestered there, so it is looking like I'll need to spend real money. I plan to Paypal them directly rather than purchase additional mana from Manifold, so it's up to you how you want to count that.

@IsaacKing I suppose that aligns with the spirit of it.

@BenjaminIkuta sounds to me like he is not buying mana, he's sending dollars, so the market should be NO.

@IsaacKing Update?

@BenjaminIkuta I have paid out everyone who has contacted me for a payout. Some of them took payment in mana, some in dollars. I have not purchased any mana from Manifold since the end of WvM. There are still many people to whom I owe mana who have not contacted me.

@IsaacKing Implying you purchased mana from elsewhere, or...?

@BenjaminIkuta I haven't bought any mana from anybody, though paying people via Paypal is effectively the same thing.

@IsaacKing Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I think I'll resolve this yes in the spirit of the question. If everyone insisted on taking payment in mana, you'd have to buy it, right?

I don't understand what you think the spirit of the question is, by the way. I would have expected this to resolve NO.

@IsaacKing "...or will his preexisting mana reserves be sufficient?"

@BenjaminIkuta Well my preexisting mana reserves were sufficient until Manifold decided to delete them...