"A commong thing" would be accepting crypto currency payments e.g.:
at a very large retailer like Amazon. I would count lesser known local retailers that sell an extreme variety of goods as well (if it sells drill hammers and children's toys and consumer electronics and board games, it's "a very large retailer"). An example of this would be Galaxus.de in Germany.
at a large grocery store chain like Walmart or Aldi
in a (currently hypothetical) X everything app, if it becomes a widely used to shop for various kinds of commodities or services
as salary with "a large number of" employers., meaning: A good variety of job opportunities that offer to pay salary in crypto. (Employers that people actually want to and do work for). A significant fraction of employees in a field (3% or so at least), accepting crypto payments.
a "not unusual" acceptance of crypto in "a typical big city" in the most important countries on the continent. "Not unusual" meaning: Not having to spend hours searching for places that do accept it. And "a typical big city" meaning a city that people familiar with the region are typically able to pinpoint on a map with certainty.
Other critirea for "yes":
A significant fraction (5%+) of world wide business to private commerce happening in crypto
It's easily possible living a normal life, not touching fiat money for anything other than on-boarding into crypto currencies
I will give my best to resolve this answer in the best possible spirit of what is written here. If in doubt, I'll consider the comments on this question.
Some more details:
To qualify as "crypto currency payments", it must be possible - at least conceptually - to privately run a that is at least able to verify the integrity of ongoing transactions. ("Conceptually" meaning: if block chain storage/access would be too large/expensive or computing too expensive for a typical private person to do this, it still counts as "possible".)
Any "YES" resolution must be, because a significant number of people are affected (say 5% of people in the continent - and in any case several millions of people). So, e.g. resolutions to "YES" due to whatever happens in Antarctica are against the spirit of this market, unless millions of people start to live there.
If you find that question interesting, you might like https://manifold.markets/bbb/which-crypto-currency-technologies, too.