Will NVIDIA have a Higher Market cap than AAPL by the end of 2024?
resolved Jun 5

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Intraday though

NVDA ahead at close

@aucwa resolves YES cc @mods

@aucwa Is this at any time before EoY 2024 or only measured at the close of last trading day of 2024 (Tuesday, Dec 31)? If the former, does intraday and/or off-market hours count? If the later, would after-hours trading on that day count? Thanks.

@traders what do you think? how do you interpret the question: "any time before" or "only at EoY"?

I ask all because the market creator has been inactive for 2.5 months, and we'll eventually need to figure this out for mods to resolve correctly. It would be nice if we reached some consensus here in advance. Note the price only began reflecting the first interpretation a couple days ago with @CateHall's bet, so I assume that ("any time before") is their interpretation.

I'd recommend only using daily closing (4 pm ET) values instead of intraday/off-market, since that greatly simplifies verification.

@deagol Personally, I think it means at any point before the end of the year. But limiting it to market close times seems reasonable.