Hey a friend invited me to a super sweaty fantasy points league. I want you guys to help me predict what the best fantasy players will be by the end of the year!
The way I'm scoring this will be a bit tricky, but don't worry about it too much. If you think a player will do better than the players ranked around them, then bet on them!
I will resolve every answer to the total fantasy points that player scores by the end of the year divided by the maximum points that any player scores.
S = 100 * player_points / player_points.max()
The single player who scores the most fantasy points will resolve to 100%, every other player will resolve to a percentage of that based on how far behind they were.
I used hashtag sports to get a list of projected points per player and scaled them using the formula. I will put the score in the name of the choice with the player to help calibrate things at the start. I'm only adding the top 30 but feel free to add more.
Here is a spreadsheet with the calculations and info on how our fantasy points are weighted.