Is the OpenAI Arrakis Model Real?
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It did not turn out to be at all like what was described. Arrakis was a (failed) attempt to make a sparsely activating model (which would be cheaper to run). It was supposed to be at the level of GPT-4. I see no evidence it was SOTA (much less "really close to AGI") in any way (it was scrapped).

predicts YES

@RobertCousineau This adds credence to the Jim Apple is a homeless man overhearing conversations in the restaurant near the OA office theory.

How does this resolve if the name is correct but details are off? Or versa visa? Or small details are off?

@ElliotDavies resolves yes if the details are broadly correct and it turns out OpenAI had the model in Sept 2023, even if the name or some small details are incorrect

@ahalekelly Can we get anything more precise than "broadly correct", maybe a few examples of which details being wrong would resolve it NO or which ones being correct would be enough to resolve it YES? I'm asking because I looked into the rumours today and I'm pretty sure that there is such a model but also that at least some of the details described there are wrong.