Will Elon Musk mention or allude to anal sex again before the end of 2023?
resolved Sep 8
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predicted NO

People have spoken, 8:4 for "YES"

predicted NO

Market closed, because I am 80% sure it resolves "YES" based on:

I wasn't sure if gay sex necessarily == anal sex, but internet search suggests that indeed is the case, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_sex_roles

Please note any objections in the comments. If necessary, I will conduct a poll.

predicted NO

@lukres Actually I will do a poll anyway

predicted YES

@lukres One of the best ways to understanding concepts is to see how it applies to real situations. Along with the wiki, showing some examples will help to make that concept more concrete and give people a better idea on it. Good call on the poll. 💹💹💹

predicted YES

@lukres it doesn't "== anal sex" (see the reference to "side" in your wiki link), but does "evoke connotations" of it, which is what your original question requires (different to the wording on the poll).

predicted NO

@Ramble The poll has the "evoke connotations" wording in the description, same as the question

Sorry PHP is my primary language so I use == for a loose comparison

predicted YES

@lukres ah, I interpret it as "is identically equal to" from logic use (triple line equals)

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