Will I run >1 km every single day for a week?
resolved Feb 7

It counts as a run if it was at least more than 1 km.

I've run 4 times in the last 8 months, and never in the same week twice, and never more than 3k.

Resolves NO if I fail to run on any single day from Feb 1-7.

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predicted YES

A follow up market:

Alright! Feb 7: 2.90 kms. Market will resolve YES in 7hrs! Thanks for the support, everyone!

predicted YES

@firstuserhere well done!

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Nice! Great work!

bought แน€500 of YES

Is it alright for you to run every single day of the week just out of nowhere (by that I mean not being used to it) I play football (the real football not American) during the off season I won't play at all or run but I start running again progressively to avoid any injuries. I'm not sure that it's effective but it just feels too much to ask for my body to just run everyday without days off.

predicted YES

@Simon1551 Yeah I'm feeling the need for a rest day because my leg muscles are aching. Just gotta get through today. The surprising thing for me is that I feel a lot more energetic despite the aching muscles, and my head feels clearer, so it's been worth it. Also, I have been walking 10k steps for the last 20 days, and I've done as much as 50k steps in a day in the past. I used to cycle a lot, play tons of squash, football etc, so it's not like my leg muscles are unused to this kind of workout. It's just that 2022 was extremely sedentary to me and I gained a shit ton of weight, so, it's been a real challenge even getting started, which this market has helped a lot with

predicted YES

@Simon1551 Also, i'm running quite slowly, because I don't have the stamina to run faster atm. Maybe I'm increasing the risk of an injury, but atm the pain of not running feels stronger than the aching muscles i get from running

predicted NO

@firstuserhere Just take a break today :)

predicted YES

@Renz I'm going to sell all my YES shares so that you can exit nicely without a loss, and I'm not going to resolve this market until close time, so everyone can trade for profit

sold แน€1,387 of YES

@firstuserhere and now, I'll go out for a run :)

predicted NO

@firstuserhere I'll go down with the ship. Keep your shares. You set out a goal and accomplished it. Good job.

predicted YES

@Renz ๐Ÿ’€

sold แน€102 of YES

@firstuserhere Running fought you, but you were stronger. The merciful thing would have been to stop. You kept running. Hope lived for some time. Good job.

predicted YES

Feb 6: 2.51 kms. Just one more day to go, woohoo

predicted YES

Feb 5: 2.74kms

Short distance but sprinted for a decent part of it

predicted YES

Feb 4: V hard run physically. Every step felt like an effort to lift the foot up.

When will I get the runner's high?

Distance: 3.23kms

predicted YES

@firstuserhere you're over the hill now, the end is in sight. For me days 3 and 4 have always been the hardest when doing 'run every day' challenges.

bought แน€5 of YES

Feb 3: I implemented the most popular advice from experienced to beginner runners: Go slow. And it made a ton of difference.

I didn't feel like i was dying, and although I took 1.5X more to cover the same distance as yesterday, I also covered a lot more distance.

Distance: 4.17kms

predicted YES
bought แน€15 of YES

you can do it, i believe in you!

predicted YES

Feb 2: Managed to gasp, pant, and somehow stumble my way to 1.99 kms. Expected it to be the hardest around days 2 and 3, I'll get through this

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Well done!

bought แน€10 of YES

I'm counting on you

predicted YES

Oh boy. I did 2.8kms for today and i forgot how hard running is lol (and how awesome my head feels)

bought แน€10 of YES

Good luck!

predicted YES

@Odoacre thank you!

predicted YES

@firstuserhere i will not lose