Who will be guests on the Lex Fridman podcast in 2024?
Jan 1
Vivek Ramaswamy
Mehdi Hasan
Julian Assange
Jan Leike
Candice Millard
Jane Goodall
Mustafa Suleyman
Javier Milei
Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro (debate)
Larry Summers
Darren Aronofsky
Gary Marcus
Geoffrey Hinton
Eric Weinstein
Tom Waits
Tony Robbins
David Deutsch
Jon Stewart
DaFuq!?Boom! (creator of Skibidi toilet)
Andrej Karpathy

Resolves YES to every guest who appears on the podcast. The episode must not merely be recorded but also be released to the public, officially, not via a leak, for it to count.

Any submissions made after the podcast episode is released to the public will be N/A'd.

Could be a general category, but please avoid spamming. I will N/A at my own discretion for bad faith answers to moderate the market.

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I've been a bit late resolving these options , other mods have permission to resolve this market as and when needed - or i can also if someone just catalogues which option resolves to what

bought Ṁ80 Answer #nyg99z0rni YES
Julian Assange

Ivanka Trump???


bought Ṁ400 Answer #ab50a3632b18 YES
bought Ṁ75 Answer #20cbd36a424a YES

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwN8u6HFH8U&t=3s - resolves yes

@jacksonpolack should I tag you on this one going forward?

@shankypanky feel free to

I've been a bit late resolving these options , other mods have permission to resolve this market as and when needed - or i can also if someone just catalogues which option resolves to what

Made a market on what topics will be discussed on the Lex Fridman podcast episode with Sam Altman:

bought Ṁ1,000 Answer #6568e3d125b6 YES

Resolves yes

bought Ṁ1,000 Answer #13513a287b38 YES

Resolves yes

@GabeGarboden I just came over here for this but I got distracted on the way 😂 good one

bought Ṁ33 Answer #02d456961cfa YES

here's something that won't happen - but I wonder if we see Lex host more debate-style episodes this year

@firstuserhere if they appear on the podcast but the podcast is a debate format, does that count?

@shankypanky Uhhhhhhh I am happy for this to resolve yes but I bought the ten mana no before someone else could in case we are doing this literally. Because, uh, it's 2023.

@Joshua SHIT

I think "any guest after this market was created" is a totally reasonable interpretation which I support. But someone else was gonna say this if I didn't lol.

oh geeze don't panic sell, I still think it should be a yes!

Too late why am I betting while walking down the road?

Could just N/A it lol

I was just at a museum and honestly this is my fursona lol

I did a panic sell it's probably a good time to change your bet in my league market (moronic behaviour here lol)

@shankypanky Looks like FUH N/A-ed it so leagues profit will hopefully account for that correctly lol. It can be glitchy with these unlinked markets though.

@shankypanky it's ok, happens to everyone. Let's keep the focus on predicting and not arbitrarily punishing for misclicks. Cancelled the option and resubmitted it as no one traded on it.

@firstuserhere bless you 🥹

this site is really showing me I'm a more reactive person than I thought I was 😅

@firstuserhere I traded on it.

@GabeGarboden I will refund your mana, in addition to house returning it to you upon cancellation

@firstuserhere It’s fine - no worries