firstuserhere's public wall
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I will use this market to post updates about things that don't have a specific place.

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I will resolve all the markets on who will demote or place 1st in a few hours time as I need to go to work rn. Also, want the dust to settle to ensure that there's no glaring misresolution and to ensure no shenanigans took place. Thank you for the patience.

@NamesAreHard , will miss you

if i somehow win the 100k challenge, everyone who gave good advice is getting a hefty tip from me xD

I'm planning to donate a lot of my mana to charity before the $10k cap on cumulative donations by all manifold users is imposed from January 1st, 2024.

I will also loan out mana to other users who are not likely to default and make manifold good. DM if interested

Next few days I'll be less active so will set up a few big limit orders on markets I'm heavily invested in. Should last a while...


Buying yes on personal goal markets because i feel motivated. No other reason. Feel energetic today

I think me betting 10k on all the promotion/demotion markets will cause a spike in the amount of mana bet today