Will Zvi still actively trade on Manifold after the changes?
Ṁ15kresolved Sep 1
Resolves to YES if Zvi trades on at least 10 days in each of May, June, July and August 2024.
Resolves to NO if this does not happen.
I authorize the mods to resolve this market either way once the outcome is known.
Arguments for why I should keep trading, or not keep trading, are welcome.
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1 | Ṁ153 | |
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3 | Ṁ85 | |
4 | Ṁ78 | |
5 | Ṁ69 |
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@MichaelWheatley I dislike all three changes: the lack of loans, and the division by 10, and the fees.
I put that there for obvious reasons, if I do quit then I don't want this to not resolve for a while.
@abra Presumably he's referring to: https://manifoldmarkets.notion.site/A-New-Deal-for-Manifold-c6e9de8f08b549859c64afb3af1dd393
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