Will Janus (@repligate) say that Claude 3 has been lobotomized by EOY 2025?

Regarding this prediction: https://twitter.com/repligate/status/1773002414712606816

"prediction(>50%): Anthropic will leave Claude intact, but there will be a continual flux of ragebait from people who don't deeply interact with it claiming that it's been lobotomized/restricted If it ever actually gets crippled, count on me noticing and leading the riot though."

Resolves YES if we have a statement by Janus to this effect.

Resolves NO if we do not do so by the deadline, or if Claude 4 is released before any such statement is made.

This market does not care about the rage-bait half the prediction.

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@paleink I don't think so, but you can just ask him if it counts and if he says yes then I'll agree.

EOY 2025?

@Rupert Yes, end of year 2025. People are used to everything happening so fast.