Will Destiny Stream Hogwarts Legacy in 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves yes if Destiny purchases and plays the game on stream

Game releases Febuary 10th

EDIT: Updated Resolution conditon

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Some trans person on twitter or something will probably piss him off and he'll do it out of spite.

He said its a 2k viewer game past the first day so I doubt he would play it.

predicted NO

He won't because of the drama it would stir in the lgbtq community and he knows thar.

predicted YES

@Corystevens I'm pretty sure the drama is the only reason he is considering playing it in the first place.

New market for all the No voters 😂

predicted NO

People were mad at him for a playing factorio, a game with no plot, cut scenes, and the ability to listen to stuff in the background and now think he is going to play a game that would require him do nothing but play the game with no content. OMEGALUL yes votes are coping

predicted YES

@Dean time to double down 😭

predicted NO

@Dean did I miss him saying something on stream about playing it? Is that why it fell hard? I was gonna buy more, damn.

predicted YES

@PersonMan0326 He said it's a 2k viewer game and he would probably never play it

predicted NO

@TheJWarrior yea, I figured as much. Shoulda bought more earlier. Oh well, decent profit. Thanks, and rip for you lad o7

predicted NO

@PersonMan0326 Did he say anything about it on stream today or why is it falling?

predicted YES

loooool fuck me

Why do people think he's going to play this game? Is there something I'm missing?

predicted NO

@PunishedFurry No idea tbh. This is nothing like a game Destiny would play on stream. He would only be jumping on a trend, and that's not usually like him either.

@PunishedFurry for the drama and to troll

Resolves yes if Destiny purchases and plays the game on stream

And doing a lot of pulling there, he's going to get gifted and it has to resolve to no then.

predicted YES

@mif very weird condition

predicted NO

@mif I mean it does say "purchase" that's a specification that wasn't needed unless to say that he must buy it

predicted YES


Such an odd condition should probably just be in the question itself imo. This market is basically guaranteed to be controversial if he plays and we don't see him buy it.

@mif I updated the condition

With the response of this game launch, I don't think our blue haired overlord will skip this. Ready for the world of wizardry.

either he plays and I enjoy strim or he doesn't and I win market, win-win.

predicted NO

I don't think there are nearly enough resources to manage in this wizard game.

Riot if this mother trucker doesn't play. We need the memes.