A Destiny fan is one of top 5 traders on Destiny.gg markets at the end of November
resolved Dec 3

If you came here from destiny.gg, welcome! I hope you have a good time on Manifold! It's nice to have lots of new users.

However I can't help but notice that... How do I say it politely?... Most of you aren't very good traders. This is what the leaderboard in Destiny.gg group looks like currently:

Here the top 3 traders are all bots that don't even know who or what Destiny is.

This market resolves YES if at least one user who discovered Manifold through Destiny is in this top 5 at the end of November.

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predicted YES

This is what top 5 looks like now (+ invisible @acc). Depending on whether you count Acc, that's either 1/5 or 2/5 destiny fans. Either way, Market resolves YES.

@Yev is it part of the culture her to try and manipulate markets or do you guys try to be more respectful?

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@novodrajj Two points:
-People here are very familiar with the problems with markets that resolve to the closing probability, we call them "whalebait," so for every person who showed up to perform dastardly market manipulation, there's fifty who specifically decided to pass on the opportunity.
-It's probably good to learn about blatant security vulnerabilities sooner rather than later.

@MichaelWheatley That was 3 points :D

After the first round of stock markets, the leaderboard looks quite different.

  • @Yev is now in lead after manipulating the /memestiny/mrgirl-stock. They are also talking about themselves in third person plural for some reason.

  • @v is nowhere to be seen, after losing M$2.4k on MrGirl stock. Will it ever recover?

  • @novodrajj successfully manipulated /memestiny/darius-stock-2-days while everyone else was focused on MrGirl, and is now at #4.

  • @GravyGnome knew when to give up shorting MrGirl, and switched sides, getting the #5 spot.

  • @acc and @Botlab have made quite a bit of money off the general chaos, but I don't have anything else to say about them.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Most new users take a while to get used to how prediction markets work. I'm predicting that there will be at least one in the top 5 in a month.

A Destiny fan is one of top 5 traders on Destiny.gg markets at the end of November, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition