Will Nicki Minaj be announced as featured on the 5th yet to be named Vault track on 1989(Taylor's Version) on 9/21/2023?
resolved Sep 22

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@XavierW No collaborations have been revealed yet, only the titles of the songs. In the spirit of the question, will you extend the closing date?

bought Ṁ20 of YES
predicted YES

From the title it's not obvious that it's the collaboration that should be announced on 21st. I interpreted it as when the song title is (was) announced

predicted YES

@MrLuke255 I agree with you. @XavierW Did you maybe accidentally close this question early? I thought I saw that the initial closing date was 23 September.

@verymuchvix @MrLuke255 I apologize for the ambiguity but the spirit of the question (and how I think it reads clearly) was for Nicki Minaj to be announced on 9/21/2023

predicted NO

This is how I read it. Otherwise why specify 'on 9/21/2023' in the title?

predicted YES

@XavierW @Capresis Fair enough. Thanks!

predicted YES

@Capresis Because the title of the song wasn’t yet revealed

@verymuchvix Don't the collabs have titles like "SLUT! (feat. Nicki Minaj)"? I think a Minaj collab is pretty unlikely at this point

predicted YES

@Conflux Sure. Want to make a market on it?

@Conflux do you really think there will be no collab tracks on 1989 tv then?

@vansh maybe I’m wrong, I thought when the track list gets released that’s all the tracks?

@Conflux yes but i suspect taylor just intentionally omitted the names of collab artists. alteast i think that's more likely than there being no collabs on 1989 tv, considering every (most?) other tv releases have had some collabs and 1989 tv will probably be the biggest release commercially. i guess we'll see though

predicted YES

@Conflux Letsgooo

@verymuchvix yeah. I guess SLUT! does seem like the sort of song title that Nicki Minaj might be on…idk