Will Destiny stream for more than 6 hours on Feb 17th?
resolved Feb 18

Resolves YES if Destiny is live for longer than 6 hours on Feb 17th. A stream's hours that goes past midnight would count as long as it was ONE (1) continuous stream.

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@Manichad I'd like to say that if you were genuinely confused by my poor explanation of what I meant by a continuous stream I'd be happy to manalink you what you lost

@DesTiny oh wait nvm seems like I misunderstood the situation. @Manichad sorry lmao

predicted NO

this can't possibly resolve to yes at this point if I'm reading it correctly.

@Manichad To explain what I mean by one continuous stream is that if he were to stream from 9pm-2am, but then he stream crashes or something, since it's past the 12am mark that new stream wouldn't count. In a situation where he streams from 4pm-7pm, and then 10pm-2am, that would still count as long as that stream going past midnight wasn't interrupted. I think that I could probably explain it better in the description, so I apologize. (hopefully I explained it here alright)

predicted NO

@DesTiny I think he thought you resolved it on the January 17th market 😂

@Simon1551 fr lmao

predicted NO

@DesTiny I am a massive idiot lol. I'm brand new here, my name is a lie.

I had no idea how to get to the proper page, so I went to my following tab, clicked your name, and searched "17th". Didn't bother reading apparently, though I was distracted.

I'm sorry.

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