Will Usada Pekora get the highest peak concurrent viewers of any vtuber livestream on YouTube on 10th April, 2023?
resolved Apr 10

Vstats (https://www.vstats.jp/leaderboard/today) will be used to determine which vtuber YouTube channel gets the highest peak ccv for the day. Market will resolve sometime after midnight Japan time. Vrabi (https://vrabi.net/daily) will be used to resolve if anything is wrong with Vstats.

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The odds of any of these markets being true is around 5% yet they normally trade at 30%.

@DuSusisu where did you get 5% from

@VtuberNumbers the historical yes rate of your own questions for honshu marine

@DuSusisu I just checked and there are 5 markets that resolved to YES and 3 that resolved to NO, which would be 62.5% if you're using that as your base rate

@VtuberNumbers but this one is about Pekora anyway

@VtuberNumbers the percentage is high because you shift to other people as they fall apart

@DuSusisu Are you thinking of someone else?

@VtuberNumbers I don't know what you're asking, I'm just saying I've been right most of the time voting no

@DuSusisu I don't change the market after I've made it. If I did the url would still be the same but the question would be different, so there's proof that I don't