Will someone link me a good rundown on how to build Google Search from scratch (M200 hedgsidy)
resolved Jan 8

Experimental market that is effectively a bounty on someone linking me a blog post or article that I feel gives a good explanation of how one might build a large scale search engine from scratch.

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What does M200 hedgsidy refer to? This is the best I've found so far: https://blog.devgenius.io/building-your-own-search-engine-from-scratch-e542a1068c44. How far from a "good rundown" would you say it is? Is there any specific part you want elaborated on?

predicted NO

@ZZZZZZ I've bet M200 NO on the market and won't sell it. If you bet YES and answer with a good result, you'll likely get a decent payout

@VivaLaPanda their answer is as close as one can get with one link.
Of course, the system it describes is extremely outdated - google of today is much, much more complex.

You can find a lot of information on google's blog for webmasters, actually. They don't go into technical details there (because SEO specialists would certainly figure a way to abuse deeper technical knowledge if it was available), but it can give you an idea of just how many moving parts are currently included in their search system. That's hundreds and hundreds of articles, and you certainly will not find a simple guide how to make their competitor, but there is a lot of valuable information anyways.

predicted NO

@ZZZZZZ okay, sorry for the slow response wrt your link, thing have been busy.

I don't think I'm going to count that because I specifically said how to build a "large scale" search engine from scratch. That post doesn't even touch on any scaling challenges and is very very vague. I want a technical deep dive in the realm of https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/infrastructure/2017/the-infrastructure-behind-twitter-scale and https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/infrastructure/2016/the-infrastructure-behind-twitter-efficiency-and-optimization

predicted NO

@Selueen The webmasters blog is good, but again not really what I'm looking for. There are lots of technical deep dive blogposts from other major companies like Twitter (https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/infrastructure/2017/the-infrastructure-behind-twitter-scale) or Discord (https://discord.com/blog/how-discord-handles-two-and-half-million-concurrent-voice-users-using-webrtc) that actually give one a good sense how both how the service work in a basic sense, but more importantly how they scale effectively. Surely something like this has to have been written wrt Google Search at some point