Will destiny play League in 2023?
resolved Jan 2

Market closes midnight 12/31/23
If Destiny queues up a ranked game of League of Legends on stream in 2023

Yes if you believe Destiny will queue up a ranked League game in 2023
No if you believe Destiny will not queue up a ranked League game in 2023

I won't be participating in this market.
If you have any clarifying questions, post them below in the comments!

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Anyone object to this resolving no? Inactive Creator.

@Joshua I haven't heard of him playing league, the last matches on his main account seems to be 2022 August 5.

sold Ṁ55 of NO

what if he plays 2v2v2v2?

predicted YES

@jojomonsta7777 Map is not specified, just that it has to be ranked. Does ranked even exist for 2v2v2v2?

predicted NO

@dgga i thankfully am many months clean from league so i dunno

predicted YES

@jojomonsta7777 I just relapsed yesterday, only ARAM, but still. This is 10+ times I've managed to be over a month without only to relapse after. Truly a horrifying game

predicted NO

@dgga i'm not proud of you

bought Ṁ100 of YES

He's Playin rn

bought Ṁ50 of YES

he just mentioned it on stream.

predicted NO

@Versuch u got gnomed

bought Ṁ100 of NO
bought Ṁ25 of YES

@marketman He'll do one or two games for sure. He has played league every year so far since I started watching him in 2018. This won't be any different.

predicted YES

Also fairly certain he played all three years before that

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Does it need to be on stream? or does he just need to mention it

@Zion must be on stream