Will there be more than 160 goals scored at the Women's World Cup?
resolved Aug 16

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bought Ṁ200 of YES

160! Need 1 more.

bought Ṁ300 of YES
predicted YES

157 goals after 61 games. 4 goals from 3 games.

predicted NO

@nobody uh oh

Day 1 : 2
Day 2 : 8

Day 3 : 7

Day 4 : 4

Day 5 : 13

Day 6 : 1

Day 7 : 12

Day 8 : 11

Day 9 : 2

Day 10 : 9

Day 11 : 10

Day 12 : 12

Day 13 : 16

Day 14 : 16

Day 15 : 3

Round of 16 : 19

Quarter-final : 9

Semi-final : 3 (1 Match Remaining)

3rd Place Match : (1 Match Remaining)

Finals : (1 Match Remaining)


157 Total (2.57 Goals Per Game)

61/64 Games Played

Pace: 164.72 Goals

Updated 10am ET 08/15/23


Need to average 1.334 goals per match remaining for 161 goals.

bought Ṁ20 of YES


Asking the genius, ChatGPT:

Below are the GF for the teams playing in the remaining three matches for the WWC in 2023. Australia will play England in the remaining semifinal. Spain will play the winner of the semifinal in the final match. Sweden will play the loser of the semifinal in the 3rd place match.

England: 1 1 6 0 2

Australia: 1 2 4 2 0

Spain: 3 5 0 5 2 2

Sweden: 2 5 2 0 2 1

Guess what the score and results will be in each of the three remaining matches (considering the possibilities of a shootout which won’t count towards the GF).


ChatGPT (3.5)

Predicting exact scores is challenging, but I can provide some speculative outcomes based on the given goal for (GF) statistics:

  1. Australia vs. England (Semifinal): Considering their GF stats, Australia might win 2-1 against England in regular time.

  2. Spain vs. Australia/England (Final): Given their high GF stats, Spain could win against either Australia or England, possibly 3-2 in regular time.

  3. Sweden vs. Australia/England (3rd Place Match): With their relatively balanced stats, Sweden might win 2-1 against either Australia or England in regular time.

Remember, these are just educated guesses based on the provided statistics. Actual match outcomes can vary due to numerous factors.


Using this guess there will be 3 + 5 + 3 = 11 goals scored in the remaining matches.

predicted YES

@parhizj If the genius spoke then we should all do all in on this market

predicted NO

@Gyfer ChadGPT tells me next 3 matches will be scoreless 0-0 and all go to the penalties. All in on NO because genius is speaking!

bought Ṁ6 of NO

@Mirek ChadGPT 6.9 says stop the count, no more goals!

predicted YES

154 goals after 60 games. 7 goals from 4 games.

bought Ṁ160 of YES


bought Ṁ80 of YES


How would this resolve at exactly 160 goals?

predicted NO

@PeterOwen per the title, I'd assume NO

predicted NO

@PeterOwen 160 goals = NO / 161+ goals = YES

predicted YES

19 from 10.(please France score 6 again)

predicted YES

@nobody 14 from 8

predicted YES

@nobody 11 from 7

sold Ṁ181 of YES

I think this is still pretty likely but selling a bit given two 0-0 scores in a row.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

138 goals scored so far, not counting USA vs Sweden(which is 0-0 rn), 12 games left.

so 21 goals from 12 games needed for this to resolve YES

predicted YES

@nobody 21 needed from 11 now. Hoping for at least 3 in Australia vs Denmark 💀

predicted YES

@nobody We’ve got one at least!

predicted YES

