Will the Christmas Day 2022 Wordle start with a vowel?
resolved Jan 15
Let there be no mistake: The future wordle list is baked into the code of the Wordle page. Hence all those rigged Wordle markets you've lost money in. Currently the Christmas Day Wordle is, well I won't spoil it, but let's say it is known and it doesn't start with a vowel. But things change, woke gets more woke and more words get cancelled. Coders need to keep their jobs relevant so make changes to the code. So maybe it will start with a vowel after all. Let's see. Rules: Based on NYC time zone at mid day, the word that correctly solves the puzzle. NA if wordle is canned. Ho ho ho!
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Has anyone been tracking dropped words? I assume there were words dropped after this closed otherwise the probability would have corrected? Super interesting that this resolved YES.

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The next 7 words also start with consonants. I doubt they'll cancel more than 7 words this year.