Will Manifold Markets make a "for teams" version in 2022
resolved Jan 8
A teams version is a private version of MM, probably with paid licenses for teams at work to make predictions about things. Staff of a company share and bet on their private markets. A use case might be "will we make our first Canada sale this quarter?" or "How many new programmers can we hire?". A great way for a company to get insights into it's staff opinion, probably better than a survey, and good for engagement. If "will we make our first Canada sale this quarter?" is at 8%, maybe the sales manager can ask "why do you think that?" etc. Either the prob is resolved, or the blocking problem is fixed for the company. This is what I call an "expander market". This means it starts with just 10M to gauge interest. Ask me and I will add liquidity.
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I am still interested in this so I made a new market for this year here: https://manifold.markets/EvanRichards/will-manifold-markets-make-a-for-te-8ca525f94d5d?referrer=EvanRichards

bought Ṁ3 of NO
I expect that there is a small chance that waitlist will still exist.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
fwiw I think it was very reasonable to make this market; it helped me understand that e.g. our For Teams listing in the blog post wasn't very widely read, and also that there is more interest than I had expected! Creating this market also encouraged the information that the For Teams program existed, which is valuable in its own right. (A prediction market can sometimes simply serve as a bounty for information; eg "what will I believe at the time of market close")
bought Ṁ5 of NO
Exit tax (interest rate) although I promise I will resolve as soon as it is no longer an alpha/beta/waitlist thing and is released
sold Ṁ1 of YES
By biased I mean only I didnt know the answer but some crucial info was out there i was not aware of.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Nice. I will apply if I can get some interest at work. I feel silly making a market that was biased yes like this. Although I will keep open until that product is released for general use but im sure it is a near certainty.
bought Ṁ100 of YES
We already have a for-teams version, actually! We've rolled it out to two teams at the moment. If you'd like to get on the waitlist, sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfM_rxRHemCjKE6KPiYXGyP2nBSInZNKn_wc7yS1-rvlLAVnA/viewform One issue we're seeing is that the for prediction markets to be interesting, you need buy-in from a fair number of people on the team. A team instance where there's only one really passionate user won't work out quite as well. If your team has 3 or more people who are very excited about prediction markets, definitely make a note when you apply!
bought Ṁ20 of YES
More, please.