Will Manifold Markets make a "for teams" version in 2023?
resolved Jan 14

Continuation of https://manifold.markets/Undox/will-manifold-markets-make-a-for-te

From that market description:

A teams version is a private version of MM, probably with paid licenses for teams at work to make predictions about things. Staff of a company share and bet on their private markets. A use case might be "will we make our first Canada sale this quarter?" or "How many new programmers can we hire?". A great way for a company to get insights into it's staff opinion, probably better than a survey, and good for engagement. If "will we make our first Canada sale this quarter?" is at 8%, maybe the sales manager can ask "why do you think that?" etc. Either the prob is resolved, or the blocking problem is fixed for the company.

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⚠Unreceptive to pings ; AFK Creator

📢Resolved to NO

@Undo Can you resolve please?

predicted NO
predicted YES

looking less and less likely. I think we're trying to focus on consumers (you guys)


@JubileeYoung Side note: does this have the UI I expect?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

They're going to be scrambling for the rest of the year to recover from August, basically.

Do private markets count for this? I think they probably should

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