Will Joe Biden publicly acknowledge the existence of Cenk Uygur before Cenk Uygur drops from the race?
resolved Mar 7

For the purposes of this question, Cenk Uygur is running for president if Cenk Uygur thinks Cenk Uygur is running for president.

Joe Biden must specifically refer to Cenk Uygur, it is not enough for him to say "other people trying to run" or something vague like that. It is enough if Biden describes Cenk, ie "that loud guy from youtube trying to become president".

If Cenk Uygur refuses to admit defeat like the proud Turkish American warrior he is, then this resolves NO when another person is chosen as the Democratic nominee.


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I personally believe that Cenk Uygur is still a serious candidate.

@jim I think if Cenk had just believed a little harder like you, he might have gotten somewhere. I would have really liked to see his case hit the supreme court

@Tumbles the FBI uses microwave canons to suppress any outsider candidates from picking up steam. Bernie Sanders was the only one strong enough to fight through the pain but even then he was grumpy all the time and that's what lost him his elections.

@jim it's hard to believe that God is on your side when you bleed out your elbows and find yourself with a severe headache every day.

bought Ṁ26,969 NO


Resolved NO, Cenk has announced he is finished and is returning to full time on The Young Turks

bought Ṁ690 NO

It's technically not too late for Biden to acknowledge Cenk, but I think this market will resolve NO soon. It seems like Cenk has admitted defeat, I'm just looking for more concrete evidence that Cank doesn't consider himself a candidate anymore before this market can resolve.