How soon after the release of Fate/stay night Remastered will there be a working fan-patch to re-add the sex scenes?
0-1 days
1-7 days
7-30 days
30-90 days
More than 90 days
The sex scenes will be accessible without need for a fan-patch

Some time in 2024, Fate/stay night Remastered is due to come out. It's based on the PS Vita version of Fate/stay night, in which the sex scenes were omitted. But there are many fans who prefer Fate/stay night with the original sex scenes over Fate/stay night with the replacement scenes from the censored version, and Fate/stay night fans are nothing if not fan-patch-happy. So it seems very likely that there will be some manner of fan-patch produced to re-add the sex scenes. This market, then, aims to predict how long it'll take for this patch to be assembled and posted publicly.

Resolution will be based on the time at which the patch is publicly posted, relative to the time at which the earliest-released edition of the VN to which it applies was released. (So, for example, if the Steam version comes out four hours later than the Switch version, then if the patch only applies to the Steam version I'll count from the Steam version's release, but otherwise I'll count from the Switch version's.) "The sex scenes will be accessible without need for a fan-patch" will win if the sex scenes are present in the release from the beginning, or if they can be reintroduced by an official patch released before any fan-patches. Duration-ranges should be interpreted as intervals open on the low end and closed on the high end, such that e.g. "7-30 days" should be interpreted as "some duration x such that 7 days < x <= 30 days".

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