Will Yahtzee Croshaw of Zero Punctuation have Baldur's Gate 3 in his top 5 best games of 2023?
resolved Jan 3

Yahtzee Croshaw does a Best, Worst and Blandest list for every year. For example, here is the list from 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLP5zJ_brGE

If Baldur's Gate 3 makes it into the top 5 of the "Best" list for 2023, this question will resolve YES. Otherwise NO.

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predicted NO

This is the first time i;ve ever successfully scooped with the 'rush to manifold and buy before close' strategy - it's a rush! It's also an upset in this case since he probably would have given BG3 a top 5 rating on its merits if he wasn't making a point of not doing so since he already considers it over-feted.

The list ended up being:
1. Hi-Fi Rush
2. Talos Principle 2
3. Shadows of Doubt
4. Amnesia the Bunker
5. Dredge

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