Yes = heads
No = tails
(Day 216)
Current totals: 107 heads vs 108 tails
Longest streak: 10 (heads) (days 12-22)
@FairlyRandom will be used to generate the outcome
1 = heads
2 = tails
Resolution can be expected within 24 hours after closing
Should @FairlyRandom fail to produce an outcome 24 hours after the close date and a final request (here > testing market), I will manually resolve it according to a Google coinflip.
Should @FairlyRandom respond to multiple queries >1 hour after their requests, they will be discarded and the outcome rerolled.
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Longest win streak: @Skyguy (of 7)
Longest loss streak: @
Biggest win: @
Biggest loss: @
@summer_of_bliss I think it makes sense for to fill my big no order at 47 since we can both get rid of our position 👍
@AdityaGupta4830 lol one guy taking huge positions, us trying to profit and me accidentally setting a yes order at 75% (still net profited)
@summer_of_bliss Ah right I was wondering why you had a yes order up that high but makes sense it was a typo. Feel kinda bad for @Tasty_Y they lost like 7k 💀