Daily coinflip
resolved Sep 7

Yes = heads

No = tails

(Day 202)

Current totals: 100 heads vs 101 tails

Longest streak: 10 (heads) (days 12-22)

@FairlyRandom will be used to generate the outcome

1 = heads

2 = tails

Resolution can be expected within 24 hours after closing

Should @FairlyRandom fail to produce an outcome 24 hours after the close date and a final request (here > testing market), I will manually resolve it according to a Google coinflip.

Should @FairlyRandom respond to multiple queries >1 hour after their requests, they will be discarded and the outcome rerolled.

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Longest win streak: @Skyguy (of 7)

Longest loss streak: @

Biggest win: @

Biggest loss: @

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@Traveel your random number is: 2

Salt: 0rsusqi29a4, round: 4341484 (signature 95e38a3f40a341bf282b24feaa215bf6d76e7d6d118cca0d42224b3eda3b3cc674780f7e9fa8ff89e4fcd99e1abca9840e2a59521e16a5712ad4b69e1301ba19360eef616237dbcadf8efc00fba9608188481a87dc9c935c33c1d28502766734)


@Traveel you asked for a random integer between 1 and 2, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4341482 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4341484, salt: 0rsusqi29a4.

bought Ṁ100 YES

So far I’m on a two day losing streak

@AbiA I'm on a 3 day streak lol hoping I can can pull a profit this week