[Planecrash] Is the Abrogail thing part of an experiment by keltham? (Spoiler)
resolved Jan 12

Is the pit fiend that stole Abrogail from Keltham in null action act ii

Part of an/ partly an experiment, by keltham/carissa, to evaluate peoples real opinions of hell?

Close date updated to 2023-12-13 12:59 am

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⚠Unreceptive to pings in many markets since January 1st ; AFK Creator

📢Resolved to YES

predicted NO

@SirCryptomind What was the YES based on?

@TimP Can this resolve?

@TimP I think this should resolve?

predicted YES

@EvanDaniel I agree, this is now predicting the past, so I'm going to close the market to help prompt the creator to resolve.

predicted YES

@MartinRandall I don't think it worked. I think this resolves Yes, but I don't really feel like finding the citations to back that up, and the creator seems inactive.

predicted YES

@EvanDaniel I agree. I'm curious why @npt has been buying NO shares.

predicted NO

@MartinRandall I just… don't recall anything of that sort? I understand it to have been about breaking Abrogail / showing her what Hell is like. This reply https://glowfic.com/replies/1899260#reply-1899260 suggests to me that Carissa already had information as to "how negative Hell is for Golarionites".

bought Ṁ250 of YES

Given that this was an experiment to see whether Abrogail was corrigible and, in the process, figuring out what her true response would be to learning she'd failed and let all of Cheliax die and involving making her believe she was in fact in Hell and observing what her response looked like, this should resolve YES.

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@MordecaiWeynberg It certainly looks that way, but remember that it only has to be partially the experiment.

I would say something about figguring out ~ how negative hell is for golarionites/ whether people who choose hell regret it, or something like that should be at least part of the (experimental) question.

It's more about the description. I tried to keep the title more spoiler free.

Though I don't really expect the difference to matter.

I will interpret that rather broadly, but it would have to have something to do with the hell badness thing. Though that were the experiements they were talking about, at least those relevant for this case. So yeah I don't expect it to matter.