Will there be a large (>10 dead) attack on Russian soil in 2024?
resolved Mar 23

Needs to be large enough to not be denied by Russian authorities, but actual fatality numbers suspected at >10 by major western news outlets, do not have to come from official Russian sources. Does not need to be identified as coming from any particular actor.

By "Russian soil" I mean the pre-2014 borders, i.e. excluding Crimea and other recently annexed territories.

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Does the IL-76 shootdown count?

@NoOne610c Most questions implicitly assume "after market creation", but the creator obviously has the last word.

@MartinModrak yea I meant after market creation. Apart from that this might count, I would have to do some more research into how credible the claims that this was not an accident are.

What do you mean by an "attack"? Like, Terrorist attack, or an attack by a military group? Or just rocket-bombing of a city, killing civilians?

@bfdc all of the above would count. Something like a natural disaster wouldn't, of course.

@Thomas42 What about something like a mass shooting without a link to Ukraine?

And - I assume the criteria also apply to /Thomas42/will-there-be-a-large-10-dead-attac-d23ccf50d392 ?

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