@GregMister Kamala's polling has been mostly increasing since she jumped in the race. Now she's up to what, D+3.5 or something? All this does is convince me that YES traders are completely out of touch with reality and I shouldn't take the 12% yes probability seriously as an update.
@GregMister What? "Will" implies that decreases will happen in the future, "continue to" implies that they have already been happening in the past. You made two statements, one about the past and present, and one about the future. The one about the future I didn't dispute because I can't see into the future, but the one about the past and present I did dispute, because I can look at a chart.
@LukasTilmann will modifies the phrase "continue to decrease" as in in the future, there will be a point that her polls will continue to decrease. Does that explanation make you less confused and angry?
@GregMister No. I was never angry and I was never confused. I just continue to think that you are not in full command of the English language. If you think that there will be some point in the future where her polls decrease, there's no point in using the word continue here, and using the word "will" does not imply that the start of the polling decrease must be in the future as well, as something happening in the present can continue in the future. Therefore, there's one clear interpretation of the phrase "will continue to" - it's happening now and it will continue to happen.
quoth one of the few people who predicted Biden wouldn't be the nominee: