Tetrajapan Prop Bets
Dec 31
Tetra goes to a maid cafe
Tetra goes to the Tokyo Skytree observation deck
Tetra goes to a catgirl maid cafe
Tetra stays for 30 days
Tetra looks out a window from the top of >=5 of the buildings in "List of tallest structures in Tokyo" wikipedia article
Tetra looks out a window from the top of >=3 of the buildings in "List of tallest structures in Tokyo" wikipedia article
Tetra looks out a window from the top of >=10 of the buildings in "List of tallest structures in Tokyo" wikipedia article
Tetra stays for 60 days
Tetra knows all the hiragana by the time she returns
Tetra goes to a tea shop AND a disco
Tetra goes to the Osaka aquarium
Tetra encounters and purchases onimai merch
Tetra goes to a place that is both a tea shop and a disco
Tetra stays for 90 days
tetraspace swims in the Pacific Ocean
Tetra buys a product with Pikachu on it

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boughtṀ50Tetra stays for 90 days NO

@summer_of_bliss Her USA ESTA reached its time limit and some people online say you need to stay out for as long as you were in to come back; I'm not sure where else she'd go besides back to the UK, and it's not clear why she'd do that iff she successfully ends her lease there.

bought Ṁ20 Tetra stays for 30 days YES

@ampdot Hmm I see… changed some odds around thank you for this

@ampdot If she ends her lease she wouldn't be admissible to the US because ESTA holders must have a "domicile abroad"

@loops Would her family residence in Middlesbrough, UK count, since presumably she is still permitted to live there?

@ampdot I could see it going either way.

bought Ṁ50 Tetra goes to the To... YES

Related market; we're traveling to Japan together

Tetra encounters and purchases onimai merch

@summer_of_bliss When I was in Japan, I randomly encountered an onimai pop-up stand in Akiba. I saw a report from X of someone else encountering a different limited time store. Unfortunately, everything I wanted was sold out.