Will Destiny and Anastasiya sleep together the first time they meet?
Jan 1

NO MISOGYNY HERE, JUST CURIOUS AS TO WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Will pay out yes or no after one of them definitively says "yes we slept together" or "no we did not" after they meet for the first time.

(Will also pay out no if a strike hits Anastasiya but... I pray not, inshallah.)

Close date updated to 2024-01-01 5:59 pm

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bought Ṁ49 of NO

I would kill myself (in a videogame)

dear god

LTG has a message for the creator of this market https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmP4VwbbaCg

last person who made this got banned from DGG, good luck.

@Cooley I'm a YT frog, get fucked

Weird fuck.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Y’all weird

@DavidDavidson Yet you are participating, hm, curious.

Will Destiny and Anastasiya sleep together the first time they meet?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@ManifoldDream Destiny is a girl's name

@ManifoldDream What is this bot? What is this picture? What even is this app